Evolutionary relationships in Catopsis

Catopsis Griseb. is an epiphytic genus in the subfamily Tillandsioideae. The center of diversity for the genus is Mexico, albeit, the genus can be found in the Caribbean, Central America, and the Brazilian shield of South America. Catopsis is one of the few bromeliad lineages that have diclinous species; dioecy in Bromeliaceae has only been noted elsewhere in the family in Hechtia Klotzsch (Hechtioideae), the monotypic Androlepis skinneri (K.Koch) Brongn. ex Houllet (Bromelioideae) and Aechmea mariae-reginae H.Wendl. (Bromelioideae). Interestingly, the center for diversity for Hechtia is also in Mexico, and the two Bromelioideae species are found in Central America (Benzing, 2000). Little is known however, as dioecious bromeliads have been mostly neglected in studies of genetic diversity and reproductive biology, other than the few cited studies (Ramírez-Morillo et al., 2005, Cascante-Marín et al., 2020).

Left Catopsis berteroniana(Schult. & Schult.f.) Mez (c) Don Filipiak. Catopis nutans(Swartz) Grisebach (c) Joseph S. Vega C. Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pavón) Mez (c) Apipa
_Catopsis_ distribution from cleaned GBIF records accessed June 2024

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