yap space

updates on my Catopsis chronicles and other life updates through my academic journey

day 2 of NTRES-6100

Written on August 29, 2024


day 2 of class was a success! we talked about markdown and how to create a file. because I have been noodling with this website for a bit, i decided to do some things differently from the file we made in class so i could upload it here.

I hope you’ll enjoy this small insight into my mind hahaha


my favorite websites

  1. iNaturalist
  2. discogs
  3. facebook marketplace

check out my indie collection

I might have an addiction

y’all rock with tater tot hotdish???

look at this shiiiiii yoooooo

this is a script to prune VCF files to a certain number of SNPs.

I was using this to reduce my combined VCF files to make my genome datasets more manageable at later steps

/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta7/plink --vcf Primula_353super_LD_pruned_SNPs.recode.vcf --make-bed --allow-extra-chr --double-id --out Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin

/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta7/plink --bfile Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin --thin-count 30000 --allow-extra-chr --double-id --recode --out Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_plink

/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta7/plink --file Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_plink --allow-extra-chr --recode vcf --out Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned

#gives missing proportion of loci for each individual
/local/workdir/jbl256/Installed_programs/vcftools-0.1.16/bin/vcftools --vcf Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned.vcf --missing-indv

#average depth for each individual
/local/workdir/jbl256/Installed_programs/vcftools-0.1.16/bin/vcftools --vcf Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned.vcf --depth 

#observed and expected heterozygosity
/local/workdir/jbl256/Installed_programs/vcftools-0.1.16/bin/vcftools --vcf Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned.vcf --het

#create fasta file for downstream analyses
/local/workdir/jbl256/Installed_programs/vcf2phylip-2.8/vcf2phylip.py --input Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned.vcf -f -n

#make structure file for later
/local/workdir/jbl256/Installed_programs/stacks-2.66/bin/populations -V Primula_genomeLD_pruned_thin_thinned.vcf -O ./ -M popmap.txt --threads 4 --ordered-export --structure